What are your employment rights? Here you can find our articles all related to your basic employment rights.
Check your employment status

When it comes to employment rights, these will vary depending upon your employment status. Therefore, it is very important to be clear about your official legal status and the associated employment rights.
Employment contracts (England)

The legal position is simple, as soon as you accept an offer of employment, there is a contractual arrangement between the two parties. In exchange for agreeing to work for your employer your employer agrees a level of remuneration. Hey presto, contract agreed!
Changes to contract of employment

Calculating working hours correctly is extremely important. There are many rules and regulations, for various industries, with regards to the maximum working week. This subject is so important that the UK government has currently committed to retaining EU working practices.
Calculating working hours

Calculating working hours correctly is extremely important. There are many rules and regulations, for various industries, with regards to the maximum working week. This subject is so important that the UK government has currently committed to retaining EU working practices.
Are you working too many hours?

There are a number of issues to take into consideration when looking at your working hours. While there is obviously a need to abide by your working contract, there are also working regulations which supersede any terms of your contract.
What is the law on rest breaks at work?

The subject of rest breaks at work is one which continues to attract rumours, lies and misunderstandings in equal measures. While there has been some movement in these regulations over the years, this has been minimal.
Time off work

You may have thought that regulations relating to time off work and your legal rights would be fairly straightforward. Unfortunately, it can be a little complicated in some scenarios.